Thursday, March 01, 2007

Crazy, but fun?

Came across the SnoXcycle website while wasting time on the 'net and what they're offering really piqued my curiousity: a kit to ride your bike in the snow! For some reason the hooligan in me starts drooling when I see stuff like this.

I'm thinking I could get a Suzuki DRZ400, which seems to be the only compatible dual-sport, and ride the streets and trails in spring and summer, while hitting the snowbanks in winter. Talk about the best of both worlds, eh?


Biker Betty said...

I'm not so sure I'd be any good at riding that. It's pretty neat, though.

Lucky said...

I don't know if I'd be any good at it either... but I'd sure like to try!

Besides, the great thing about snow is that it offers a soft landing if you high-side. ;-)


Anonymous said...

I ended up doing the snow thing on a Honda PC800. Katie was on the back and we'd started up a road in late spring. At first it was clear. As we climbed we encountered snow. The snow kept getting deeper and deeper until we were literally plowing snow to both sides with the saddlebags / trunk. I was riding in a rut from a truck. Not being able to find a good spot to turn around on the steep road, I kept going. Not fun but not impossible to navigate. We finally passed a small intersection where some guys were snowmobiling on actual snowmobiles. Looked like a good spot to finally head back down hill. At first they waved like we were fellow snowmobilers. Their jaws dropped when they saw it was a bike. I saw a PC800 in the back of a truck once. All you could see was the top half. It does look like a snowmobile from that view!


Lucky said...


I remember seeing a PC800 for the first time at the local Honda dealer when I was a senior in high-school... Man, did I ever think it was cool! Come to think of it, I still do. There's just something so "modern" about a bike whose innards are completely wrapped in body panels. You'd never mistake it for a cruiser or more traditional steed. I'm just trying to imagine one trudging through a few feet of snow!

Keep the shiny side up!


Biker Betty said...

I've had some falls skiing that were soft, but I had a few that hurt lots once I finished body skidding down the mountain, lol.